
标题: 2011昂立中考直播间-上海中考英语-昂立名师全解析-视频+解析 [打印本页]

    标题: 2011昂立中考直播间-上海中考英语-昂立名师全解析-视频+解析

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题目:A Member of …
提示:可以写a member of the singing group/dancing group…; a member of volunteer

There are many hobby groups in my school, such as singing group, dancing group, and etc. I join the drawing group because I am good at drawing and once won the first prize in the national competition of art when I was 6 years old. As a member of it, not only can I practise much but also improve a lot in oil painting skills. The teacher, who I regard as my friend, really helps me a lot. I have a lot of fun in this group, which actually colors my school life. How I love this group! (98)

such as 比如
be good at 擅长于
as    作为
not only…but also 不但。。。而且。。。


中考总算结束了,第一时间我收到了很多学生的短信,说历尽磨难总算结束了。为他们祈祷得到高分的同时,也想和广大家长和同学讲一下中考英语听力的做题心得。中考中,听力部分一般比较简单,想要冲刺140分以上的考生一定要守住这块江山。保证失分率在2分以下甚至是0。其实,对于初一初二的同学来说,多研究中考英语的题型方向,从听力文本中可以找到很多中学阶段必考的考点和词组搭配,例如a waste of time, turn down, instead…用法等等。



M: Are you going to the airport? Let me drive you there.

W:Thanks, but I’m going to take the underground. It’s cheap and convenient.

How will the woman go to the airport?

关键词中but后面是重点,只要听到take the underground就没有问题了。

M: Do you often email your son studying in Australia?

W:Once or twice a week, I’m not good at typing.

M: Have you ever been there to visit him?

W:Yes, three times.

Q:How many times has the woman visited her son?


M:Caron, did you watch the tennis match last night?

W:Yes, I was too excited to fall asleep after that.

Q:How did Caron feel after the tennis match?


W:Ben, would you like to go to the park with me now?

M:You see, I’m going to practice the piano for Julie’s party.

Q:What is Ben going to do?


M:I have an interview at 8:30. I have to leave now.

Won’t hurry. There are still 30 minutes left.

Q:What time is it now?


Mid you enjoy the concert with your sister yesterday?

W:My sister was at work. My cousin went with me instead

Q:Who went to the concert with the woman?

who的时候要抓住人名,关键词是my cousin…instead,取而代之的是my cousin.

做题时要把instead ofinstead区分开来

W:It’s the most beautiful picture I’ve ever seen. where did you get it?

M:I found it on the internet. And my friend helped me print it out in his office.

Q:Where did the man find the picture?


W:Can you cook tonight?

M:Sure, why?

W:I’ve got a meeting to attend and I may come back home late.

Q:What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?


W:Tony, Tony, turn down the TV please.

M:Oh, but this is my favorite program.

W:I know. I’m talking to grandma on the phone.

M:All right, mum.

Q:Why does Tony have to turn down the TV?


Wo you think it’s a good idea to keep pets?

M:Well, I don’t think so. I believe it’s a waste of time.

Q:What does the man mean?

关键词是I don’t think so.说明不同意Keep pets的观点,后面又是 waste of time








2011619日 中考听力第三部分T /F题听力原文  by 朱琦

The alarm clock ran. It was 7 o'clock in the morning, but John didn't get up.

"What's the matter with you, dear?"John's mom asked. "It's time for school.You wil be late."But there was no answer. She went into John's bedroom and felt his head. It was very hot. So she took him to the hospital at once. The doctor took John's temperature first. After a while, he said"You son has got a fever." Then, the doctor gave him a check and said,"he's got a bad cold and needs a rest. Do remember, give him a spoon of this medicine in water twice a day, then he will be all right in a couple of days."

When they got home, John's mom said"Go to your bedroom and have a sleep. I will cook you sth to eat." John went to his bedroom but then came out again in a few minutes. He was holding the medicine in his hand and was dressed for swimming. His mother was surprised to see that, so she asked"Where are you going with your medicine?"" To the swimming pool" said John. "Didn't you hear the doctor say I should take the medicine in water?"

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