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不同国家的劳动节,来看看 [复制链接]

United States:
Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that falls on the first Monday of September.[5] It is customarily viewed as the end of the summer, especially of the vacation season;[6] many schools open for the year in the week after Labor Day.[7] The United States also adopted the tradition of not wearing white after Labor Day.[citation needed][clarification needed] This is the time when the Navy switches from their white uniforms to their Navy blue uniforms.
西瓜乐园外教 发表于 2011-4-26 21:53 |发短消息 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 西瓜乐园外教 于 2011-4-26 21:55 编辑

May 1st: International Labor Day in China
Yes.. it is time for yet another holiday in China , International Labor Day.   On this holiday, there are no special foods to be eaten and no special clothes to be worn.  There are no special songs to sing or special traditions you must do.   This is just the day for workers to have free time.   Three days of travel, rest and personal enjoyment.
This also happens to fall on the first day of the Shanghai Expo. Unfortunately, I will not be attending the Expo at this time, because it is the first day and the busiest time.   I am thinking that fighting 70 million people on my holiday is not something I want to do.

What are my plans?  Well. my husband has been on a business trip for the last week and will be finally arriving home on this friday so I am thinking some quiet time together would be nice.  I am planning a nice outing in the countryside, and maybe look at some old traditional buildings and some beautiful scenery.  This is what I call a relaxing holiday.

Back to Labor Day, many workers will have an extend  weekend, which can translate into millions of Chinese traveling domestically and internationally.  Of Course, the travel fares are double and triple and advance bookings must be made weeks, even months ahead for international travel. Hoards of tour groups flock to the  major tourist destinations of China, so you can forget having a quite moment to yourself.

As with every holiday, the people will be out and about.  I try to keep away from too many small cities because these workers usually have never seen foreigners so they tend to point, stare and laugh rudely when they see us.   I know now what it feels like to be a superstar.

Last year at this time, I went out to the city center to enjoy the sunshine and that enjoyment quickly turned to disappointment.   After, a brief 10 minutes the attention quickly turned to me and my African friend and a large crowd of people started to surround us as we sat on the park bench sunning ourselves.  Not only were people pointing and laughing at us.. .. they were trying to push their children close to us so they could get photos with the foreigners.   After awhile, we became very irritated with the situation, because the circle of people came closer and closer to us.   We finally stood up and tried to walk away… when we did the entire crowd of people started to follow us.   My African friend became panicky and told me she was afraid and she wanted them to leave us alone.   She took off running down the sidewalk.   I pushed my way thru the people to try to get to her… when I heard someone calling my name,  It was one of my students coming to rescue me.  He grabbed my arm and pulled me thru the crowd of people.   When we were a safe distance away, he said to me… you should never go out alone during a holiday.  I thought to myself…. yeah, you have a point.

After that experience, my husband informed me that I was never to go out alone on a holiday and that he would be with me when we travelled.  I am not thinking that they would have hurt me in any way.. but they all wanted to touch me, look at me and take photos of me. It was more irritating than anything else.

So… that being said… we will be far away from prying eyes.. and spend quality time together in the countryside.

until next time….
西瓜乐园外教 发表于 2011-4-26 21:42 |发短消息 |只看该作者
Labour Day has been celebrated on the first Monday in September in Canada since the 1880s. The origins of Labour Day in Canada can be traced back to December 1872 when a parade was staged in support of the Toronto Typographical Union's strike for a 58-hour work-week.[1] The Toronto Trades Assembly (TTA) called its 27 unions to demonstrate in support of the Typographical Union who had been on strike since March 25.[1] George Brown, Canadian politician and editor of the Toronto Globe hit back at his striking employees, pressing police to charge the Typographical Union with "conspiracy."[1] Although the laws criminalising union activity were outdated and had already been abolished in Great Britain, they were still on books in Canada and police arrested 24 leaders of the Typographical Union. Labour leaders decided to call another similar demonstration on September 3 to protest the arrests. Seven unions marched in Ottawa, prompting a promise by Canadian Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald to repeal the "barbarous" anti-union laws.[1] Parliament passed the Trade Union Act on June 14 the following year, and soon all unions were demanding a 54-hour work-week.
西瓜乐园外教 发表于 2011-4-26 21:41 |发短消息 |只看该作者
Celebrating the Australian labour movement, the Labour Day public holiday is fixed by the various state and territory governments, and so varies considerably. It is the first Monday in October in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and South Australia. In both Victoria and Tasmania, it is the second Monday in March (though the latter calls it Eight Hours Day). In Western Australia, Labour Day is the first Monday in March. In both Queensland and the Northern Territory, it is the first Monday in May.
西瓜乐园外教 发表于 2011-4-26 21:40 |发短消息 |只看该作者
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New Zealand
In New Zealand, Labour Day is a public holiday held on the fourth Monday in October. Its origins are traced back to the eight-hour working day movement that arose in the newly founded Wellington colony in 1840, primarily because of carpenter Samuel Parnell's refusal to work more than eight hours a day. He encouraged other tradesmen also to work for only eight hours a day and in October 1840, a workers' meeting passed a resolution supporting the idea. On October 28, 1890, the 50th anniversary of the eight-hour day was commemorated with a parade. The event was then celebrated annually in late October as either Labour Day or Eight-Hour Demonstration Day. In 1899 government legislated that the day be a public holiday from 1900. The day was celebrated on different days in different provinces. This led to ship owners complaining that seamen were taking excessive holidays by having one Labour Day in one port then another in their next port. In 1910 the government stipulated that the holiday would be observed on the same day throughout the nation.
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