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语言排斥的困惑(西瓜乐园原创,未经同意不可转载) [复制链接]

Dear parents:

This month, I'd like to ddress what i called "language resistance",Just as our bodies possess an immunie system wiich fights off any microscopic invaders, our minds seem to possess a natural resistance to foregign lauguages. This is why it is so hard to learn them.

But just what is this "language resistance"that causes us to forget definitions we learned only a few days ago or completely mangle the pronunciation of even the most elementary words? To put it simpley, it is ou opinions. Whenever we hear foreign words we automatically develop an opinion of them. We may deslike the sound of that particular word, compare it to another(more familiar) wrod, the fact is that just by thinking of it we have simultaneously developed a feeling and an opinion of it. At the same time, it is also common for people to classify new things as either"easy" or "difficult". Foreign launguages are often classified as "difficult"in the minds of many people. By classfifying before we have to attempted to learn. It is indeed difficult to learn with a lazy mind., so we often create our own obstacles even as we seek further knowledge. Its no wonder that so many people feel tremendous frustration as they try to learn a foreign langugae.

Adults often envy the complete ease with which babies learn languages. I too have marveled that how wonderfully my own child has mastered the use of two lauguages. In my observation, the reason for his success has not eluded me. Unlike me, he dosen't care wheather he is speaking Chinese or English. We care because We can express ourslves so limited when we try to speak chinese or english. We naturally want to use the language We can express . To be able to speak english more fuluently, WE NEED to speak it. Deep inside I know that,but our hearts isn't really in it and most of the time. Every time we listen to it or open our mouths to speak it, We can't escape the thought and feeling that it isnt MY lauguage. It's a foreign launguage; though we do become more comfortable with it as time goes on. If we ever get around this obstacle in our mind, perhaps we will speak it well someday.

For kids, they need to develp a level of comfort that will allow them to absorb the language with little or no negative opinions. They need to simply accept the wods without further thought, because thought(opinion)is the enemy of lauguage learning. Acceptance is critical. The student must accept English as a valid form of communication if they are ever going to master it. They need to think of it as "their"language; not just a foreign language.

As the same time I think its important to note that humans are capable of far more than they usually achieve.Most of us could speak several languages if we wanted or had time to study. It simply isnt true that you would have to give up your native language in order to speak another language with complete fluency. So, the fear of losing your original identity is also unfounded.Your would simply be broadening your prosepcts by gaining mastery of another language.

If you want your child to speak english, the first thing I would advise you to do is eradicate the word "difficult"from your vocabulary. Everything is dificult when you begin. Anything can be easy after you've done it enough times. Therefore, it is useless to lable thtings as "too difficult" from the very beginning. Nothing is too difficult for a good instructor to teach. Just keep in mind that the instructor is the keeper of knowldedge that the student wishes to gain. Nothing is to be gained by giving up. All will be acquied through diligence and preseverance.

We admire and respect customers. I think they are on a wondeful path to knowledge and i wish them the best in the future. I hve to no doubt that many of them will move on to great things in the future. We are happy to have played a small part in this adventure we called life


Watermelon kids

[ 本帖最后由 watermelon 于 2010-11-7 01:39 编辑 ]

简单的说,这是你的一个观念,当我们听到一个外来词语的时候,我们会首先自动的给它一个判断,也许我们回讨厌它的奇怪发音。相比我们熟知的语言,在我们第 一次听到外语某些单词或句子的时候,我们首先会自动的给它们一个判断,同时,对于大家来说,在学某样新得东西的时候,通常对对学的东西的来划分“简单”和 “难”。而对于很多人来说,学习外语通常是被划分到“难”这一个词语当中。在我们所划分的“困难”中,我们很努力的尝试去学好它。但实际上,如果用惰性思 维来学的话,是很难学好和学会的。我们通常在学习过程中自己创造阻碍来进一步学习语言,这就是为什么很多人在学习语言的过程中感觉到极大的阻力。

成人总是羡慕幼儿毫不费力的学习语言的能力,我也对自己的孩子对能够熟练的驾驭两种语言的能力而感到叹服,据我的观察,他不躲避任何语言,不像我们,他不 在乎自己说的是汉语还是英语,我们在乎是因为我们对不熟知的语言表达能力自我觉得有限,我们更加想舒适于用所运用很熟练的语言来表达我们的所想所知。大家 都知道,要熟练的说第二语言,我们必须要说,但,当我们试图听和说某种第二语言,我们的内心会不由自主的会想,这不是我的语言,这是一门外语。我们不能逃 脱一种想法那就是“这不是我的语言,这是外语“。虽然随着时间过去,我们逐渐感觉适应了,但我们大脑中还是有这样的障碍存在。如果我们除去这障碍,那么我 们某天就会很好的说第二语言了。

对于孩子来说,对于语言的学习,他们需要一种很少的甚至是无负面评价或观念的对语言的一种适应程度。他们需要没有在任何想法的前提下接受某个词语或句子, 因为某种观念(想法)是学习语言过程中的敌人。而实际上需要的是接受。而非首先评判这个句子这个单词是难还是容易。如果孩子们想熟练的掌握外语,首先需要 知道英语首先用来交流的一个手段。他们要知道这是”他们的语言,而不是”外国话““

同时,我想指出,有一个重要的一点,对于人类来说,我们能比我们想象的能力达得更远,我们如果愿意或有时间学习的话,我们可以同时学习几种语言。如果说要 学习第二语言要放弃你的的母语来完成的话,这绝对不是事实。因此对于学习第二语言你要加宽思路,放开你的思想闸,来学习第二语言。

如果你想要你的孩子学好英语,我建议,把”难“这个单词从你的词语(思想)中除去,任何事情在开始的时候都是有困难的,在你做了足够的反复和熟练后,自然 就会变得简单。在一开始就把新的事物标上标签”太难了“是无用的,这个标签也不能给你在语言学习上有任何的帮助。对于好的指导师来说,没有任何的东西是难 教的。只是要有这样一个概念,指导师是语言的拥有者,而孩子只是尽量的从他们那里获取孩子能够能够得到的。任何东西或知识是在放弃后可是永远得不到的,包 括学习语言,所有的东西是要通过努力和不懈的练习和尝试才可以最终得到。

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