



The odd concert

热度 7已有 735 次阅读 2011-5-6 10:07

 In November 2010, our class was given out an assignment to write a story with dialogue and narrator. I was paired up with Maia( one of my classmates). We had this idea of two girls, Miranda and Miley, going to a Taylor Swift(a country star that I like) concert. I was Miranda and Maia was Miley.
Miley is a really really really rich girl all because her father was the director of Harry Potter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Miranda is just her BFF. So, we go to this Taylor Swift concert but Taylor Swift was a half hour late. Taylor Swift's manager spotted Miley and noticed that she was the daughter of the director of Harry Potter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. He asked Miley if she can sing. Miley says no, but she also said that she could play the guitar while Miranda sings. I had sing 2 songs in front of the whole class which freaked me out!!
Maia came up with the title of the story, The odd concert. Everybody thought I was a really really really good singer and Maia was supposed to sing with me but she got toooooo scarred, so she mouthed it!






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回复 pp_dream 2011-5-6 10:31
Okay, I'm supposed to send you a flower   
And I'm the first reader, of course! Hopefully, not the only one!   
回复 平常心 2011-5-6 11:01
I am coming. Give you another flower! Go ahead!
回复 泡泡宝宝 2011-5-7 18:58
Give you another flower, and... a kiss, good job, kid~~
回复 丽贝卡妈妈 2011-5-9 14:23
pp_dream: Okay, I'm supposed to send you a flower   
And I'm the first reader, of course! Hopefully, not the only one!   
Definitely not!


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