



Balista: Chapter 13

热度 1已有 725 次阅读 2011-6-9 10:02

Chapter 13
Where are we going, Kiley?
Anywhere but there and home!
Are you sure Nicky is with you on all of this?
No. Why didn't she tell me that she sold you? Why didn't she tell mw that mom was coming over? What if she's evil?
What's her last name?
Why do you care?
She kind of looked like that guy that was spying on us.
Yeah! She did! ALOT!
I bet that's her brother!
I am going to kill Nick!
K, but where to go?
I've made up my mind, home.
Why? I'm just going to be sold!
We could work it out with Nick!
They went home. Back there, everyone was hugging and glad that Kiley was safe.
"Kiley I love you, where have you been?" her mother asked, this was the first time she said "I love you" to Kiley in years.
Kiley started to tell them about how she heard that Nicky sold Balista, how she ran away to the Maryholis', and blah, blah. After her story, everyone was looking at Nicky like she was a evviill creature.






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