汤圆姐姐的个人空间分享 http://www.321mm.org/?14200


分享 A letter to headmaster
热度 6 2011-6-3 08:58
Dear Mrs Kranky: I’m James Beauregarde, a student of your Sweet Heart Primary School. I have a very important thing to tell you, and this thing maybe a little unbelievable, but you must believe it. There is a boy in our class, who was transfer from Nine Eight Night Pri ...
1013 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 Madagascar's animals
热度 1 2011-6-3 08:53
Madagascar is the largest island in Africa. And it is also a beautiful land, full of different kinds of animal. Let us go to this charming place and look for these mysterious lives. There are many lemurs live in Madagascar. The black lemur lives in the tropical forests of northern M ...
930 次阅读|没有评论
分享 Edi’s Stinky Trainers Came to live
热度 6 2011-5-20 10:13
Edi Arable, is a boy that can made everybody cause a headache. He is VERY naughty and disagreeable. He has transfer to another school for seven times, and now he is studying in his eighth school. He always escape school when teacher is having a class, and to play in t ...
1034 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 A Beautiful Sky
热度 3 2011-5-19 11:14
Look at the sky. How beautiful it is! It is as blue as the sea, and there are some white clouds in it, waving to and fro. There are two or three kites in the sky, just like the flowers in the blue sea. Once in a while some little birds will fly over the big white clouds in the blue sky ...
932 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 胆小的汤圆
热度 8 2011-5-18 20:31
汤圆长得可俊了,是个"俊姑娘"。 她长着一颗毛茸茸的小脑袋。一双大得出奇,黑宝石似的清澈眼睛,扑扇着长长的睫毛,好奇地瞅着外面的世界。一双长而灵活的灰耳朵,直直地耷拉在脑后,透过阳光,隐约可以看见她的血管和腾流的血液。她的三瓣嘴边,神气地翘着几根细细的“尼龙绳”,小巧粉红的小鼻子不 ...
909 次阅读|4 个评论
分享 汤圆
热度 3 2011-5-18 19:29
我家养着一直聪慧伶俐的又可爱的小雪兔,她叫汤圆,是一只小雌兔。她不仅是我心爱的小宠物,还是我和小蒋友谊的见证兔呢! 小蒋和我同窗共读四年了,曲曲折折的学涯使我们成了形影不离的朋友。那一天,她到我家,送给了我一份惊喜------一只灰白相间的小雪兔。我把它捧在手中,它 ...
779 次阅读|没有评论
分享 大家好
热度 2 2011-5-9 13:33
585 次阅读|2 个评论


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