Sank to Hell, une fille damnee分享 Could the only true heart also be the only dark heart around me? Je suis une fille damnee.



热度 5已有 2493 次阅读 2011-5-10 21:10 |关键词:pajamas crazy movie

  I hope I got my teacher wrong when she annoce it to the class, but sadly, I didn't. We were suppose to wear pajamas today. Mine was a white dress, with alot of gray pins paint on it. Soft in touch. What I fear the most isn't get on the bus and get in school. It was the part where I have to walk all the way acrose my apartment in order to get on the bus!! But I'm better, my BFF is wearing a set of absolutly cute pajamas, but she dose get alot people stare at her brown bear PJs.
[side note: we have the one and an half hour PE off today, and we watch Chalie and the Chaocelte Factroy at that time. Horrraay!!]






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回复 SweetRebecca 2011-5-10 21:47
Pajamas Day is a crazy day, isn't it?        
回复 patpat2001 2011-5-12 10:40
    We had pyjamas day but I didn't want to wear my pyjamas to school!
回复 little_duckling 2011-10-8 04:10
I have pajama day at school but I don't wear my pajamas. I worry that someone has the same pair or that I look stupid!


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